Welcome to my blog. My motivation for writing this blog is my exchange semesters in the United States.
In december 2010 I applied for the GlobalITproject. This is a transatlantic exchange-program between Europe and America and I will spend the next four months in Omaha and I hope my language skills will improve a lot.
Last week I finally got my visa (what a trouble to get a visa for the USA) and by now I completed all tasks for my journey. My flight goes on Monday, 13 August at 11:20am from Hannover airport. My first stop will be in Amsterdam and from there I will fly to Minnaepolis (this will take 9 hours). From there I will fly to Omaha and will land there at 6:26pm.
For my exchange semester I enrolled in this three classes:
1. Management of Software Development: Tuesday 18:00 - 20:40.
2. Managing the IS Function: Thursday 17:30 - 20:10
3. Managing the Distributed Computing Enviroment: This course is online.
As you can see, perfect times for me :).
Well, all right! I will post more soon!