Dienstag, 6. November 2012

Homework, Homework, Homework

The last weeks I'm just busy with doing homework the whole time. After I got back from the Fall Break trip I just got tons of homework to do and there is a lot more to do the next weeks. I kinda underestimated the fact that you have still to do homework while learning for the midterms. Going to Yellowstone put me a little behind schedule but it was totally worth it. Unfortunately my laptops HDD broke and I couldn't do the open book exam for one of my classes. So I lost a lot of point which hurts a lot but I should still be able to get a B, which is a 2.0 in Germany, not satisfying but still okay if I consider that I lost about 8% of my total grade.

Currently I just have the feeling that the homework never ends. My class Managing the IS function is fine but my other two classes, were I have the same professor, have a really high amount of work. One of the assignments in Distributed Computer Environment was to create a PHP page. Since I didn't plan my schedule carefully I ran into time problems and just creating the webpage was really hard for me, since I never used PHP. It took me a long time but I finally finished it (and I got some help too), but I lost 20% of the points because I was late. Except the PHP webpage the rest of the assignments is easy but time consuming.

So there will be some weeks were I will spend the most of my time in the library, which is quite a nice place for studying. So for the future, I will plan my schedule so I always see how much work I have to do.

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